Pharmacist Prescribing

Pharmacist prescribing increases access to healthcare services and enhances patient outcomes. The authorization to prescribe enables our pharmacists to perform these activities optimally.

Pharmacist Prescribing

Did you know that your pharmacist can prescribe medications for some health conditions that don’t require a diagnosis? Find out when you can skip the doctor’s office and go straight to your pharmacy for support, advice and preventive treatment. At Hamptons Pharmacy we can help.

As a responsible health care professional, our pharmacist will talk to you before providing a prescription to assess your situation and recommend the best treatment for your health condition. In some cases, we will advise you to consult your doctor if this is the best solution for you. Once your prescription is filled, our pharmacist will explain when and how to take your medication and give you other tips to help you receive the best possible benefit from the therapy.

Visit us to learn what our
prescribing pharmacists can do
to help you optimize your health.