Ideal Protein Weight Management

Ideal protein is a structured weight loss program that is specifically designed to help you MAINTAIN your results long after the program is complete. The program involves one-on-one lifestyle and dietary education from one of our very own ‘Ideal Protein Coaches.’

Losing weight can be a challenge, but the process of weight loss can be simple. The Ideal Protein Ketogenic Weight Loss Protocol is a medically developed 4 phase protocol that combines Ideal Protein formulated food items with real food. The Protocol contains 2 key components –weight loss, and a healthier lifestyle education & knowledge. These key components will empower you to sustain your new, healthier lifestyle over your lifetime.

Our Ideal Protein Pharmacist understand your unique health needs & will support you with

Living your weight loss success everyday means learning and adopting a healthy lifestyle with better eating choices and smarter, intentional decisions. And that’s perfect, because once you graduate from the Ideal Protein Protocol you’ll be empowered and motivated with the education to recognize the importance of making healthy choices, even when leading a busy lifestyle!


Ideal Protein is a medically developed
ketogenic weight loss and weight
management protocol.