Compounding Services

Compounding is the art and science of creating personalized medicine. For whatever reason, many people aren’t served by mass-produced medications.

Compounding Services


Hamptons Pharmacy provides Compounding Services to address this. Special flavorings, unique dosage forms, innovative delivery methods – using these tools and more, our compounding pharmacists work to fill a gap in health care through customized solutions for specific patient needs.

Compounding is a great option to explore for people who:

  • Have allergies to common mass-produced medicine fillers (casein, gluten, dyes, etc.)
  • Aren’t taking medication as prescribed due to unpleasant side effects or lack of improvement
  • Need custom medicine strengths and dosage forms (like creams or suppositories)

While pharmaceutical compounding has been around for a long time, it continues to grow in popularity and availability, as people learn more and more about the benefits and capabilities of compounding. Simply stated, pharmacy compounding blends a little bit of both art and science to create individualized, custom medications for patients.

In compounding, a specially trained pharmacist is able to take a physician’s prescription, and mix the individualized ingredients together to create a medication that was tailored to the individual patient. Using this technique, the pharmacist is able to closely work with both the physician and the patient to make sure that his or her unique medical needs are met.

Compounding makes medications
easier to use and take.